Thursday, December 11, 2014

STEM Fair Project

Please note somethings have changed since this STEM Fair Example was typed up. Questions are now referred to as Purpose. An abstract is now required. An abstract is a synopsis of your STEM Fair Project. It should be 150 words or less. It should be typed up in the form of a paragraph with a topic sentence and concluding sentence. I have requested an example of an abstract from the Science Chairperson in my building. Once I receive it, I will send it home. Another change is that 10 trials are now required instead of 3 when conducting your STEM Fair experiment. The new Board layout is attached to the back of this packet. Tomorrow 10/8/15- is Science Night from 6:30-8:00 pm. The Science Chairperson will be available to answer any additional questions that you may still have about the STEM Fair Project.

Dear Parents,
Your child's STEM Fair Project is due 12/11/15. Please ensure that your child has typed up all of the parts of the stem fair project from their STEM Fair Journal and placed each part in the correct place on their board. Page V of your child's STEM Fair Journal, shows where each part of the project is suppose to be placed on the board. Please make sure that you have a catchy title on your board. Boards should have no more than 2 colors displayed. Boards should be 36 inches by 48 inches. Boards can be purchased from Michael's Craft Store or Staples. Please get the large display boards not the miniature one from the Dollar Store. Research papers are NOT required for third graders. Please have your child start practicing for their oral presentation of the project. They can write the main parts out on index cards and study them. They can look back at the index cards during their presentation but can not merely read right off of the cards. Please have them practice telling you what the project was about without reading right off of their board, because this will not be allowed the week that they have to present orally. The rubric for the Oral Presentation and Display Board are located towards the back of your child's STEM Fair Journal. Please familiarize yourself and your child with both rubrics so that they are prepared for what will come.  Please email me at     if you have any questions about the STEM Fair Project.

Any child/student that doesn't submit a STEM Fair Project in the 3rd -6th grade, will automatically receive a grade of an E on their second quarter report card.

                                           STEM Fair Timeline

Component                                                                                Due Date

Question                                                                                      9/28/15
Prediction                                                                                    9/28/15
Variables                                                                                     10/1/15
Materials                                                                                     10/9/15
Procedures                                                                                  10/15/15
Data Collection Tool                                                                  10/23/15
Results, Actual Investigation                                                      11/06/15
Results, Graph of Data                                                                110/6/15
Conclusion                                                                                  11/20/15
Display Board to School                                                             12/11/15

Please view the example of one complete STEM Fair Project below. This project includes all of the required parts except for the 3 pictures of the actual experiment. Please ensure that you have 3 pictures of your experiment that don't include your child's face.

Question-  Which temperature of water ( hot, luke warm, or cold) will mix into red dye the fastest?

Hypothesis- I predict that red dye will mix into cold water the fastest because when my dad mixes Hershey's Syrup into cold milk, I can use a spoon to stir it and it mixes smoothly.

Independent variable- different temperatures of water (hot, luke warm, cold)
Dependent variable- how fast red dye can mix
Controlled variables- same amount of each liquid, each liquid placed inside of the same type of container, same amount of drops of red dye placed into each liquid

Your materials and procedure sections should use METRIC Units ONLY. See those two sections below. The STEM Fair Journal, breaks down customary units of measure to Metric units of measure. See page 14 of the STEM Fair Journal for the break down. You can also use this website to help you convert from customary units of measure to metric units:

3                                    454 gram containers
3                                    500 ML of water
1 bottle                          of red dye
1                                    eye dropper
1 thermometer              using the Celsius side only because that is the METRIC units side
a microwave
timer or stop watch

1.    Gather all of your materials
2.    Label each container. Label first container HOT. Second container LUKE WARM. Third
       container COLD.
3.    Pour 500 ml of water into  your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 300 secs.
       This will make the water hot. Check the temperature with a thermometer to ensure that it is 68
       degrees C. If it's less than 68 degrees C, place it back into the microwave for another
       60  seconds and check the temperature again. If it's more than 68 degrees let it cool to the correct
       temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved use the eye dropper to insert one drop
       of red dye into the hot water, and record in seconds, how long it took to mix into the hot water.
4.    Pour 500 ml of water into your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 60 secs.
       Check the temperature with the thermometer to ensure that it is 35 degrees C because that is my 
       measure of luke warm water. Add 30 more seconds in the microwave if the temperature is below
       35 degrees C. Use the thermometer to check the temperature. If it's more than 35 degrees C, let it
       cool till it reaches the correct temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved, use the eye
       dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the luke warm water, and record in seconds, how long
       it took to mix into the luke warm water.
5.    Pour 500 ml of tap water from the cold side of a water faucet into your 454 gram container.
       Then, take the temperature of the tap water. If it is -15 degrees C, it is the correct temperature. If
       not, place it inside of the freezer for 900 seconds. Then, take it out and check the temperature
       again. If it's still not -15 degrees C, place the tap water in the freezer for another 900 seconds
       and check the temperature again. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to ensure that
       you have the correct temperature of water. Once you have achieved the correct temperature,
       use the eye dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the cold water, and record in seconds, how
       long it took to mix into the cold water.
6.    Repeat steps 2-4 at least two more times.
7.    Record all of the times you found.

Data Collection Tool:

                                       Effect of Temperature on Mixing into Red Dye

                                                   Trials Recorded in Seconds

Temperature of Water            Trial One         Trial Two       Trial Three        Mean Time
Hot water( 68 degrees C)           35 secs                  38 secs               36 secs         36.33 secs
Luke warm (35 degrees C)         42 secs                 55 secs               48 secs          48.33 secs
Cold        ( -15 degrees C)          95 secs                105 secs              99 secs          99.66 secs

This website can be used to help you graph your data:

If you need help deciding which type of graph to use, please refer to pg 25 of your child's STEM Fair Journal.

Written Explanation:

The mean time for all of the trials was under 100 seconds. The longest time was red dye mixing into cold water, which was 99.66 seconds. The median time was red dye mixing into luke warm water, which was 48.33 seconds. The shortest time was red dye dissolving into hot water, which was  36.33 seconds. Since my means were on a wide spectrum, (ranging from 36.33 secs - 99.66 secs) I would say that the trend that I noticed is that the colder the water temperature was, the longer it took for the red dye to mix into the liquid.


My hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that the red dye would mix into cold water the fastest. However; red dye mixed into hot water the fastest ( within an average time of 36.33 seconds) followed by luke warm water (with an average time of 48.33 seconds.) Red dye actually mixed into cold water the slowest (with an average time of 99.66 seconds.) I didn't experience any difficulty while conducting this experiment. If, I were to do this experiment again, I would change the color of dye that I used, to see whether or not the temperature of the water really impacted how fast the dye mixed. Another thing that I would investigate would be the same topic of mixing red dye into liquids but not water, instead I would use milk, orange juice, lemonade and observe the rate of mixing. What I learned applies to the real world because if a mother wanted to host an Easter Egg Hunt for the neighborhood kids and she wanted to color the eggs, she could know that mixing the dye in hot water, will be faster than luke warm or cold water. Thus, she can save time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Homework 12/09/14

Tonight's Homework is- First in Math-Skill Sets and Area and Perimeter of a rectangle and a square-US Customary

Dear Parents,
Your child's STEM Fair Project is due this Friday 12/12/14. Please ensure that your child has typed up all of the parts of the stem fair project from their STEM Fair Journal and placed each part in the correct place on their board. Page 57 of your child's STEM Fair Journal, shows where each part of the project is suppose to be placed on the board. Please make sure that you have a catchy title on your board. Boards should have no more than 2 colors displayed. Unfortunately, as of 12/05/14, Ms Cunningham no longer has boards for sale. Boards can be purchased from Michael's Craft Store or Staples. Please get the large display boards not the minature one from the Dollar Store. Research papers are NOT required for third graders. Please have your child start practicing for their oral presentation of the project. They can write the main parts out on index cards and study them. They can look back at the index cards during their presentation this week but can not merely read right off of the cards. Please have them practice telling you what the project was about without reading right off of their board, because this will not be allowed this week. The rubric for the Oral Presentation and Display Board are located towards the back of your child's STEM Fair Journal. Please familiarize yourself and your child with both rubrics so that they are prepared for this week's expectations in Science. Please email me at     if you have any questions about the STEM Fair Project.

Any child/student that doesn't submit a STEM Fair Project in the 3rd -6th grade, will automatically receive a grade of an E on their second quarter report card.

Please view the example of one complete STEM Fair Project below. This project includes all of the required parts except for the 3 pictures of the actual experiment. Please ensure that you have 3 pictures of your experiment that don't include your child's face.

Question-  Which temperature of water ( hot, luke warm, or cold) will mix into red dye the fastest?

Hypothesis- I predict that red dye will mix into cold water the fastest because when my dad mixes Hershey's Syrup into cold milk, I can use a spoon to stir it and it mixes smoothly.

Independent variable- different temperatures of water (hot, luke warm, cold)
Dependent variable- how fast red dye can mix
Controlled variables- same amount of each liquid, each liquid placed inside of the same type of container, same amount of drops of red dye placed into each liquid

3                                    454 gram containers
3                                    500 ML of water
1 bottle                          of red dye
1                                    eye dropper
1 thermometer              using the Celsius side only because that is the METRIC units side
a microwave
timer or stop watch

1.    Gather all of your materials
2.    Label each container. Label first container HOT. Second container LUKE WARM. Third
       container COLD.
3.    Pour 500 ml of water into  your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 300 secs.
       This will make the water hot. Check the temperature with a thermometer to ensure that it is 68
       degrees C. If it's less than 68 degrees C, place it back into the microwave for another
       60  seconds and check the temperature again. If it's more than 68 degrees let it cool to the correct
       temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved use the eye dropper to insert one drop
       of red dye into the hot water, and record in seconds, how long it took to mix into the hot water.
4.    Pour 500 ml of water into your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 60 secs.
       Check the temperature with the thermometer to ensure that it is 35 degrees C because that is my 
       measure of luke warm water. Add 30 more seconds in the microwave if the temperature is below
       35 degrees C. Use the thermometer to check the temperature. If it's more than 35 degrees C, let it
       cool till it reaches the correct temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved, use the eye
       dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the luke warm water, and record in seconds, how long
       it took to mix into the luke warm water.
5.    Pour 500 ml of tap water from the cold side of a water faucet into your 454 gram container.
       Then, take the temperature of the tap water. If it is -15 degrees C, it is the correct temperature. If
       not, place it inside of the freezer for 900 seconds. Then, take it out and check the temperature
       again. If it's still not -15 degrees C, place the tap water in the freezer for another 900 seconds
       and check the temperature again. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to ensure that
       you have the correct temperature of water. Once you have achieved the correct temperature,
       use the eye dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the cold water, and record in seconds, how
       long it took to mix into the cold water.
6.    Repeat steps 2-4 at least two more times.
7.    Record all of the times you found.

Data Collection Tool:

                                       Effect of Temperature on Mixing into Red Dye

                                                   Trials Recorded in Seconds

Temperature of Water            Trial One         Trial Two       Trial Three          Mean Time
Hot water( 68 degrees C)           35 secs                  38 secs               36 secs          36.33 secs
Luke warm (35 degrees C)         42 secs                 55 secs               48 secs          48.33 secs
Cold        ( -15 degrees C)          95 secs                105 secs              99 secs          99.66 secs


Written Explanation:

The mean time for all of the trials was under 100 seconds. The longest time was red dye mixing into cold water, which was 99.66 seconds. The median time was red dye mixing into luke warm water, which was 48.33 seconds. The shortest time was red dye dissolving into hot water, which was  36.33 seconds. Since my means were on a wide spectrum, (ranging from 36.33 secs - 99.66 secs) I would say that the trend that I noticed is that the colder the water temperature was, the longer it took for the red dye to mix into the liquid.


My hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that the red dye would mix into cold water the fastest. However; red dye mixed into hot water the fastest ( within an average time of 36.33 seconds) followed by luke warm water (with an average time of 48.33 seconds.) Red dye actually mixed into cold water the slowest (with an average time of 99.66 seconds.) I didn't experience any difficulty while conducting this experiment. If, I were to do this experiment again, I would change the color of dye that I used, to see whether or not the temperature of the water really impacted how fast the dye mixed. Another thing that I would investigate would be the same topic of mixing red dye into liquids but not water, instead I would use milk, orange juice, lemonade and observe the rate of mixing. What I learned applies to the real world because if a mother wanted to host an Easter Egg Hunt for the neighborhood kids and she wanted to color the eggs, she could know that mixing the dye in hot water, will be faster than luke warm or cold water. Thus, she can save time.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Homework 12/08/14

Tonight's Homework is- First in Math-Skill Sets and Area and Perimeter of a rectangle and a square-US Customary

Dear Parents,
Your child's STEM Fair Project is due this Friday 12/12/14. Please ensure that your child has typed up all of the parts of the stem fair project from their STEM Fair Journal and placed each part in the correct place on their board. Page 57 of your child's STEM Fair Journal, shows where each part of the project is suppose to be placed on the board. Please make sure that you have a catchy title on your board. Boards should have no more than 2 colors displayed. Unfortunately, as of 12/05/14, Ms Cunningham no longer has boards for sale. Boards can be purchased from Michael's Craft Store or Staples. Please get the large display boards not the minature one from the Dollar Store. Research papers are NOT required for third graders. Please have your child start practicing for their oral presentation of the project. They can write the main parts out on index cards and study them. They can look back at the index cards during their presentation this week but can not merely read right off of the cards. Please have them practice telling you what the project was about without reading right off of their board, because this will not be allowed this week. The rubric for the Oral Presentation and Display Board are located towards the back of your child's STEM Fair Journal. Please familiarize yourself and your child with both rubrics so that they are prepared for this week's expectations in Science. Please email me at     if you have any questions about the STEM Fair Project.

Any child/student that doesn't submit a STEM Fair Project in the 3rd -6th grade, will automatically receive a grade of an E on their second quarter report card.

Please view the example of one complete STEM Fair Project below. This project includes all of the required parts except for the 3 pictures of the actual experiment. Please ensure that you have 3 pictures of your experiment that don't include your child's face.

Question-  Which temperature of water ( hot, luke warm, or cold) will mix into red dye the fastest?

Hypothesis- I predict that red dye will mix into cold water the fastest because when my dad mixes Hershey's Syrup into cold milk, I can use a spoon to stir it and it mixes smoothly.

Independent variable- different temperatures of water (hot, luke warm, cold)
Dependent variable- how fast red dye can mix
Controlled variables- same amount of each liquid, each liquid placed inside of the same type of container, same amount of drops of red dye placed into each liquid

3                                    454 gram containers
3                                    500 ML of water
1 bottle                          of red dye
1                                    eye dropper
1 thermometer              using the Celsius side only because that is the METRIC units side
a microwave
timer or stop watch

1.    Gather all of your materials
2.    Label each container. Label first container HOT. Second container LUKE WARM. Third
       container COLD.
3.    Pour 500 ml of water into  your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 300 secs.
       This will make the water hot. Check the temperature with a thermometer to ensure that it is 68
       degrees C. If it's less than 68 degrees C, place it back into the microwave for another
       60  seconds and check the temperature again. If it's more than 68 degrees let it cool to the correct
       temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved use the eye dropper to insert one drop
       of red dye into the hot water, and record in seconds, how long it took to mix into the hot water.
4.    Pour 500 ml of water into your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 60 secs.
       Check the temperature with the thermometer to ensure that it is 35 degrees C because that is my 
       measure of luke warm water. Add 30 more seconds in the microwave if the temperature is below
       35 degrees C. Use the thermometer to check the temperature. If it's more than 35 degrees C, let it
       cool till it reaches the correct temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved, use the eye
       dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the luke warm water, and record in seconds, how long
       it took to mix into the luke warm water.
5.    Pour 500 ml of tap water from the cold side of a water faucet into your 454 gram container.
       Then, take the temperature of the tap water. If it is -15 degrees C, it is the correct temperature. If
       not, place it inside of the freezer for 900 seconds. Then, take it out and check the temperature
       again. If it's still not -15 degrees C, place the tap water in the freezer for another 900 seconds
       and check the temperature again. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to ensure that
       you have the correct temperature of water. Once you have achieved the correct temperature,
       use the eye dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the cold water, and record in seconds, how
       long it took to mix into the cold water.
6.    Repeat steps 2-4 at least two more times.
7.    Record all of the times you found.

Data Collection Tool:

                                       Effect of Temperature on Mixing into Red Dye

                                                   Trials Recorded in Seconds

Temperature of Water            Trial One         Trial Two       Trial Three          Mean Time
Hot water( 68 degrees C)           35 secs                  38 secs               36 secs          36.33 secs
Luke warm (35 degrees C)         42 secs                 55 secs               48 secs          48.33 secs
Cold        ( -15 degrees C)          95 secs                105 secs              99 secs          99.66 secs


Written Explanation:

The mean time for all of the trials was under 100 seconds. The longest time was red dye mixing into cold water, which was 99.66 seconds. The median time was red dye mixing into luke warm water, which was 48.33 seconds. The shortest time was red dye dissolving into hot water, which was  36.33 seconds. Since my means were on a wide spectrum, (ranging from 36.33 secs - 99.66 secs) I would say that the trend that I noticed is that the colder the water temperature was, the longer it took for the red dye to mix into the liquid.


My hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that the red dye would mix into cold water the fastest. However; red dye mixed into hot water the fastest ( within an average time of 36.33 seconds) followed by luke warm water (with an average time of 48.33 seconds.) Red dye actually mixed into cold water the slowest (with an average time of 99.66 seconds.) I didn't experience any difficulty while conducting this experiment. If, I were to do this experiment again, I would change the color of dye that I used, to see whether or not the temperature of the water really impacted how fast the dye mixed. Another thing that I would investigate would be the same topic of mixing red dye into liquids but not water, instead I would use milk, orange juice, lemonade and observe the rate of mixing. What I learned applies to the real world because if a mother wanted to host an Easter Egg Hunt for the neighborhood kids and she wanted to color the eggs, she could know that mixing the dye in hot water, will be faster than luke warm or cold water. Thus, she can save time.

No comments:

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Homework 12/04/14

Tonight's Homework

First in Math- Skill Sets and Area and Perimeter -Rectangle and Square- US Customary

The STEM Fair Projects are due next Friday 12/12/14. Please ensure that your child has typed up all of the parts of the stem fair project from their STEM Fair Journal and placed them in the correct places on their boards. Page 57 of your child's STEM Fair Journal, shows where each part of the project is suppose to be placed on the board. Boards should have no more than 2 colors displayed. Boards can be purchased from Ms Cunningham, the school counselor, at the school store for $6.00. Research papers are NOT required for third graders. Please have your child start practicing for their oral presentation of the project. They can write the main parts out on index cards and study them. They can look back at the index cards during their presentation next week but can not merely read right off of the cards. Please have them practice telling you what the project was about without reading right off of their board, because this will not be allowed next week. Please email me at     if you have any questions about the STEM Fair Project.

Any child/student that doesn't submit a STEM Fair Project in the 3rd -6th grade, will automatically receive a grade of an E on their second quarter report card.

Ms Edwards

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Homework 12/3/14

Tonight's Homework

Math- First in Math- Skill Sets and Area and Perimeter (US Customary)

Health- Read pages 42-45 and answer questions 1-3 on page 45.

STEM Fair Projects are due on 12/12/14. Please review the information that was shared on this blog in regards to this project.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Homework 12/01/12

Tonight's Homework is to work on First in Math- Skill Sets as well as Area and Perimeter -US Customary.

STEM Fair is due next week on 12/12/14.

Please ensure that your child has completed and is ready to submit their board by the above mentioned date.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Homework 11/24/14

Tonight's Homework


First in Math - Just The Facts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Homework 11/19/14

Tonight's Homework is to keep working on your skill sets in First In Math.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

Homework 11/17/14

Parents I have placed a model STEM Fair Project on 11/14/14 to help guide your project. Please take a moment to review it and model your own after it.

Tonight's homework is First in Math-Skill Sets

Friday, November 14, 2014

Example of a STEM Fair Project

Please note: The STEM Fair Project listed below is just a model. It doesn't reflect actual data. It's just an example of all of the parts of one experiment except for the 3 required pictures of the actual experiment.

Question-  Which temperature of water ( hot, luke warm, or cold) will mix into red dye the fastest?

Hypothesis- I predict that red dye will mix into cold water the fastest because when my dad mixes Hershey's Syrup into cold milk, I can use a spoon to stir it and it mixes smoothly.

Independent variable- different temperatures of water (hot, luke warm, cold)
Dependent variable- how fast red dye can mix
Controlled variables- same amount of each liquid, each liquid placed inside of the same type of container, same amount of drops of red dye placed into each liquid

3                                    454 gram containers
3                                    500 ML of water
1 bottle                          of red dye
1                                    eye dropper
1 thermometer              using the Celsius side only because that is the METRIC units side
a microwave
timer or stop watch

1.    Gather all of your materials
2.    Label each container. Label first container HOT. Second container LUKE WARM. Third
       container COLD.
3.    Pour 500 ml of water into  your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 300 secs.
       This will make the water hot. Check the temperature with a thermometer to ensure that it is 68
       degrees C. If it's less than 68 degrees C, place it back into the microwave for another
       60  seconds and check the temperature again. If it's more than 68 degrees let it cool to the correct
       temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved use the eye dropper to insert one drop
       of red dye into the hot water, and record in seconds, how long it took to mix into the hot water.
4.    Pour 500 ml of water into your 454 gram container and place it in the microwave for 60 secs.
       Check the temperature with the thermometer to ensure that it is 35 degrees C because that is my 
       measure of luke warm water. Add 30 more seconds in the microwave if the temperature is below
       35 degrees C. Use the thermometer to check the temperature. If it's more than 35 degrees C, let it
       cool till it reaches the correct temperature. Once the correct temperature is achieved, use the eye
       dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the luke warm water, and record in seconds, how long
       it took to mix into the luke warm water.
5.    Pour 500 ml of tap water from the cold side of a water faucet into your 454 gram container.
       Then, take the temperature of the tap water. If it is -15 degrees C, it is the correct temperature. If
       not, place it inside of the freezer for 900 seconds. Then, take it out and check the temperature
       again. If it's still not -15 degrees C, place the tap water in the freezer for another 900 seconds
       and check the temperature again. Repeat this step as many times as necessary to ensure that
       you have the correct temperature of water. Once you have achieved the correct temperature,
       use the eye dropper to insert one drop of red dye into the cold water, and record in seconds, how
       long it took to mix into the cold water.
6.    Repeat steps 2-4 at least two more times.
7.    Record all of the times you found.

Data Collection Tool:

                                       Effect of Temperature on Mixing into Red Dye

                                                   Trials Recorded in Seconds

Temperature of Water            Trial One         Trial Two       Trial Three          Mean Time
Hot water( 68 degrees C)           35 secs                  38 secs               36 secs          36.33 secs
Luke warm (35 degrees C)         42 secs                 55 secs               48 secs          48.33 secs
Cold        ( -15 degrees C)          95 secs                105 secs              99 secs          99.66 secs


Written Explanation:

The mean time for all of the trials was under 100 seconds. The longest time was red dye mixing into cold water, which was 99.66 seconds. The median time was red dye mixing into luke warm water, which was 48.33 seconds. The shortest time was red dye dissolving into hot water, which was  36.33 seconds. Since my means were on a wide spectrum, (ranging from 36.33 secs - 99.66 secs) I would say that the trend that I noticed is that the colder the water temperature was, the longer it took for the red dye to mix into the liquid.


My hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that the red dye would mix into cold water the fastest. However; red dye mixed into hot water the fastest ( within an average time of 36.33 seconds) followed by luke warm water (with an average time of 48.33 seconds.) Red dye actually mixed into cold water the slowest (with an average time of 99.66 seconds.) I didn't experience any difficulty while conducting this experiment. If, I were to do this experiment again, I would change the color of dye that I used, to see whether or not the temperature of the water really impacted how fast the dye mixed. Another thing that I would investigate would be the same topic of mixing red dye into liquids but not water, instead I would use milk, orange juice, lemonade and observe the rate of mixing. What I learned applies to the real world because if a mother wanted to host an Easter Egg Hunt for the neighborhood kids and she wanted to color the eggs, she could know that mixing the dye in hot water, will be faster than luke warm or cold water. Thus, she can save time.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Homework 11/13/14

Tonight's Math Homework is to play: First In Math-The Skill Sets

Tonight, my homeroom doesn't have health homework, but Mr Case's homeroom does. The health homework is to read pp 36-40 and answer the questions #1-3 on page 40.

Don't forget, the CONCLUSION portion of the STEM Fair Journal is due tomorrow.

I will do my best to have all of the STEM Fair Journal's that are submitted tomorrow graded and ready for tomorrow's parent workshop.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Homework 11/12/14

Note to Parents,
Tonight, the Math homework is for your child to work on their First in Math-the skill sets section. I have stapled each child's first in math username and password on the first page of their agenda book. Please ensure that your child doesn't remove this card.

STEM Fair - The conclusion portion of the STEM Fair Journal is due on 11/14/2014. I displayed an example of a good conclusion online yesterday, 11/11/14. Please refer back to it as needed.

Parent Workshop- I will be hosting a parent workshop in my room, Room 43, on Friday November 14, 2014 at Paint Branch Elementary School. Please walk with your child's STEM Fair Journal. I will be explaining all of the required parts of the STEM Fair Project as well as answer any questions that you may have about your child's specific STEM Fair Project.

Tonight's Homework- Today, 11/12/14- I assigned Health homework to students in my homeroom today. We had testing this morning for the OLSAT. As a result of the morning long testing,  I didn't work with Mr Case's homeroom today, so they didn't receive the health homework for tonight. They will receive it tomorrow night. This week's health homework is to read pp 36-40 and answer questions 1-3 on page 40. Students were suppose to copy all of the homework mentioned on this site in their agenda books. Please ensure that your child is copying down their homework assignments every night in their agenda book. The agenda book looks like a giant calendar. Turn to the current date in your child's agenda book and you should see tonight's homework recorded every night.

Special Thanks to all of the parents that were able to attend yesterday's Parent Teacher Conference! Educating your child is a partnership between teachers and parents. Thanks for all of your support.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Homework 11/11/14

Tonight there is no Math homework. The last part of the STEM Fair Journal is due on 11/14/14. Please take this opportunity to work with your child on completing the CONCLUSION.

The conclusion tells what you learned about your topic after completing the experiment. It contains three parts. Use the question prompts below to organize your ideas. Then, join them together to create a paragraph, that will become your conclusion.

If you turn to page 27 of your child's STEM Fair Journal, you will see three questions that need to be answered about your project. Please answer them in complete sentences. Then join them together to create a paragraph (conclusion.)

Below are the question prompts that you will be answering this week.

Was my hypothesis/prediction correct or incorrect?
What is the answer to my question? Support the answer with data collected.
Were there any problems with the investigation or things that I would do differently?

Model Conclusion

My hypothesis was incorrect. I predicted that the red dye would mix into cold water the fastest. However; red dye mixed into hot water the fastest ( within an average time of 36.33 seconds) followed by luke warm water (with an average time of 48.33 seconds.) Red dye actually mixed into cold water the slowest (with an average time of 99.66 seconds.) I didn't experience any difficulty while conducting this experiment. If, I were to do this experiment again, I would change the color of dye that I used, to see whether or not the temperature of the water really impacted how fast the dye mixed.

Homework 11/10/14

Note to Parents
Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow 11/11/14. There is no school for students tomorrow. Mr Case, is going to be calling parents today, to confirm the scheduled times we created for our full day tomorrow.

This week, the conclusion portion of the STEM Fair Project is due on Friday, November 14, 2014. Tomorrow's homework will be to review the CONCLUSION Model that I posted and draft out your conclusion for your STEM Fair topic. Please refer to it to ensure that you and your child are on the right page.

Parent Workshop- I will be hosting a parent workshop on 11/14/14 from 3:45-5pm in my classroom Rm 43 at Paint Branch E.S. I will be explaining all of the required parts as well as answer any questions that parents still have about the STEM Fair Project. The completed project is due 12/12/14. The final project has to be typed up and displayed on a board. Ms Cunningham is selling approved boards at school for $6.00. I will be sending home more information about the exact dimensions of the board and where each section of the STEM Fair Project is supposed to be placed on the board.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at

Name                                                                                                       Date
Math                                                                                                        Ms Edwards
                                        Math Online Homework

What is the formula for area?__________________________________

Find the unknowns and draw an area model that matches each equation. Make sure to label the rows and columns of your area models.

6 x 7 = _______                                          Area model for 6x7

9  x  3  =_____________                           Area model for 9 x 3

Solve. Find the value of the variable.

2 x ( u x 3) = 24

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Homework 11/06/14

Note to Parents

Reminder- The Data Collection Tool, Graph and Written Explanation are all due tomorrow 11/7/14. All of the notes for these sections are located on the 11/5/14 Homework page. Please avail yourself to that information.

I, Ms Edwards, will be hosting a parent workshop on the STEM Fair Project, to provide extra support to parents that would like it. I'm asking that you walk with your child's STEM Fair Journal that day, so that it can be referenced as needed. The workshop will take place next Friday, November 14th from 3:45 -5:00 pm in Room 43 at Paint Branch Elementary. It will be conducted in English and Spanish.

Parent Conferences
Parent conferences will take place on November 11th 2014 which is next Tuesday. A letter was distributed to your child yesterday. I gave new letters to students that needed it today. Please select 3 times that are good for you using (the numbers 1-3) 1 being your first time choice, 2 being your second time choice, 3 being your third time choice. Please have your child submit this to us tomorrow so that we can confirm one time with you before next Tuesday. 

Thanks in advance for all that you do.

Ms Edwards

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Homework 11/5/14

Note to Parents

There will be no Math or Health homework this week. Health will be done in class this week. Since the data collection tool, graph, and written results are due on Friday, 11/7/14, I would love it if parents would take the next two days to ensure that their child is caught up in their STEM Fair Journal. Please refer to the example below to help you as you complete this week's required sections.

Data Collection Tool -Please read the information about this section on page 17 of your child's STEM Fair Journal.  Then, have your child use the designated space to design a chart or table on page 18 of their STEM Fair Journal.

You will need a place to write down your data as you conduct your trials and make your observations. Your collection tool can be a table, chart, or journal entry system to record your information. It should have the following items:

  • a title
  • labels to describe the columns or rows
  • space for repeated trials ( a minimum of three; more is better)
  • space for the calculation of the mean (average) of the data
  • all data is collected in METRIC units
If you are not collecting numerical data but rather making observations, you still need to design a chart or keep a journal in which you can record your detailed notes. This is most typical with projects that involve the growth or decay of something. If this section, data collection tool is done correctly, I will sign off in the "checked on" and "teacher" section of the box located on the bottom right hand corner of the page. In the next section below entitled, "Graphs" you will find an example of a data collection tool- this particular one is a data collection table.


Once you have completed the data collection tool, you need to create a graph that represents your findings/data. First, read the information in your child's STEM Fair Journal on page 22 about Graphs. It tells which type of graph is most appropriate for each type of experiment. Please select the appropriate graph. You also need to find the mean of your data before graphing. Here's how to find the mean- add up all of your data sets then divide by the total number of data sets.  Take a look at the example below:

Model Question- Which temperature of water (hot, luke warm, or cold) mixes into red dye the fastest?

Below is a model of a Data Collection Tool, below it, is how to calculate the mean.

                                 Effect of Temperature on Mixing into Red Dye(title)

                                                   Trials Recorded in Seconds

Temperature of Water            Trial One         Trial Two       Trial Three          Mean Time
Hot water( 68 degrees C)           35 secs                  38 secs               36 secs          36.33 secs
Luke warm (35 degrees C)         42 secs                 55 secs               48 secs          48.33 secs
Cold        ( -15 degrees C)          95 secs                105 secs              99 secs          99.66 secs

How I calculated the mean for the above data         

To determine the mean for the hot water I added 35 + 38 + 36 = 109   Then I divided how many times I mixed red dye into hot water which was 3 times. 109 divided by 3 = 36.33 secs.

To determine the mean for the luke warm water I added 42 + 55 + 48= 145. Then I divided how many times I mixed red dye into luke warm water, which was 3 times. 145 divided by 3 = 48.33 secs.

To determine the mean for the cold water I added 95 + 105 + 99 = 299. Then I divided how many times I mixed red dye into cold water which was 3 times. 299 divided by 3 = 99.66 secs.

When you graph this information, you should ONLY graph the Mean data.

You can input your mean data into the following website and it will create a graph for you that you can print out and submit as your graph. Please ensure that you are selecting the appropriate graph for the type of experiment that you are conducting.

The website to help you create your graph:

Written Explanation

The last part that is due this week is the written explanation.  A written explanation gives a brief analysis of the data you collected in your table and displayed visually in your graph. It should be about one paragraph and summarize the data shown in the table and graph. It can include trends you noticed in the data, if any, but it should not be a conclusion. Please have your child complete the written explanation on page 26 of their STEM Fair Journal. You can read my comments when the STEM Fair Journal is returned to you to determine whether or not your written explanation was approved. I will complete the "checked on" and sign the "teacher" section located on the bottom right hand corner of that page.

Below is a model that matches the data that was presented above.

Written Explanation Model

The mean time for all of the trials was under 100 seconds. The longest time was red dye dissolving into cold water, which was 99.66 seconds. The shortest time was red dye dissolving into hot water, which was  36.33 seconds. Since my means were on a wide spectrum, (ranging from 36.33 secs - 99.66 secs) I would say that the trend that I noticed is the colder the water temperature was, the longer it took for the red dye to dissolve.

The explanation above summarizes the data by only mentioning the shortest and longest piece of the data. There is also a sentence that explains the trend that I noticed while analyzing the data. Your written explanation should have those elements as well.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Homework 10/30/14

Note to Parents

Good day Parents,
This is just a friendly reminder about the procedures section. It is stated in the STEM Fair Journal on page 14, that, " You MUST have at least 3 repeated trials and clearly identify what you are keeping the same and what you are changing (variables)  to ensure a well designed investigation." Please ensure that your child's procedures include the above mentioned information. If you have already submitted the STEM Fair Journal (procedure section) and "Repeat the steps two more times," were not included, please revise that section once the journal is returned. It is imperative that the procedures section is clear and coherent and can be followed by anyone reading it.

Since your child has been working especially hard this week, I'm not assigning anymore homework this week. Mr Case and myself are in the middle of finalizing report card grades and would like to take this time to be accurate with our calculations.

Reminder tomorrow is a 2 hour early dismissal and there is no school on Monday and Tuesday of next week.

Ms Edwards

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Homework 10/29/14

Note to Parents

Tomorrow, 10/30/14, the procedures section of the STEM Fair Journal is due. All of the items that you listed in your materials section should be included in your procedures. Please be very specific when you are recording your procedures. Your procedures should be written so that, someone else can follow them and reach the same or similar result.

Here is an example below.

Question -Which temperature of water ( hot, luke warm, or cold) does red dye mix into the fastest?

First, pour 250 ml of hot, luke warm and cold water into each 1.234 gram container.
Second, put 1 drop of red dye into each 250 ml of water.
Third, use the timer to measure how long it takes the red dye to mix into each 250 ml of water.
Last, record my findings.

 Please make sure that you are recording the amounts/weighs in METRIC units in your procedure section. I listed a website on the 10/23/14 homework page at the bottom of this page that converts customary units of measure into metric units of measure. Please refer to that site as needed.

Tomorrow, your child will take the Math portion of the MUST TEST. It will be the first standardized test of the school year. All of the types of problems that I have been assigning for homework on this site, will be on the test. Please review the different types of questions on tonight's homework with your child in preparation for tomorrow's test.


Name                                                                                                 Date
Math                                                                                                  Ms Edwards
                                        Review of Concepts

1) Dora made 8 rows of circles, with each row containing 9 circles. Use the space to draw the problem.

2)How many circles did Dora have altogether?

___________________________ circles

3) Solve to find the unknowns.

24 divided by ____________= 3
24 = _____________x 8
12 x __________= 24
2 x (______x  6) = 12  x  2
(12 x 2) divided ___________= 3

4) Jayden is making bracelets. Each box of bracelets has 5 packages. Each package has 3 bracelets. If Jayden bought 3 boxes how many charms does he have? Draw a model to show your work.

5) Cierra estimates the cost of the items that she has in her shopping cart so that she will not go over her amount of money. She claims there are 2 ways that she can estimate the total cost of her items but Only one is an estimate that will work.

a) The costs of 4 items are listed. Round each to the nearest ten and add.

$ 453       $ 161        $213        $132

b) Will rounding to the nearest ten and adding let you know if you have enough money? Why or why not?

c) Cierra claims rounding to the nearest hundred provides a more helpful estimate. Is she correct?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Homework 10/28/14

Click on the link to practice your math skills.


Name                                                                                                         Date
Math                                                                                                          Ms Edwards
                                                Math Review

1) Sheldon wants to organize his dinosaur collection in his room. He has 6 shelves to organize his collection. He wants to place 4 dinosaurs on each shelf. How many dinosaurs are in Sheldon's collection?

There are____________________ dinosaurs in Sheldon's collection

Explain your thinking for number 1 using numbers, symbols and a model/picture in the space provided below.

 Glen has 45 pencils. He is putting an equal number of pencils into 5 bags. Select Yes or No to indicate whether each number sentence could be used to find the number of pencils Glen puts in each bag.

2) 45 x 5  _______                            ______ Yes            __________ No
3) 45 divided by 5 = ______             ______Yes             __________No
4) 5  x __ = 45                                   ______Yes             __________No
5) 5 divided by  _____= 45               ______Yes             __________No
Use the information below to answer question 6.

Write your answer on the line provided below.

Lin wants to know how many nickels she needs to make 40 cents. She  writes 40 divided by ____= 5.

6) What other division number sentence can she write to model this problem? How many nickels does she need?


She needs ___________ nickels.

Use the information below to answer questions 7-9.

Denise is getting ready to set the table for her party. She has 18 plates. She puts them in 3 equal stacks.

7) Write a number sentence to represent how many plates are in each stack.


8) Use the space below to draw a model/picture to represent your answer for question 7.

9) What if Denise has 28 plates and puts 4 plates in each stack? If she already made 3 stacks, how many more stacks can she make with the remaining plates?

____________________________ more stacks

Explain your thinking using words, numbers, symbols and a model/picture in the space below.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Homework 10/27/14

Click on the link below to practice your math skills


Name                                                                                                      Date
Math                                                                                                       Ms Edwards
                                                 Math Review Homework

Decide whether the problem can be solved using multiplication. Mark Y for Yes or N for no.

Sarah is collecting stamps. She has 4 stamps with flags and 7 stamps with birds. How many stamps does she have altogether?


Maliah is roasting an 8 pound turkey. She needs to cook the turkey 12 minutes per pound. How long will the turkey take to cook?


Josue is placing toy cars on a display case. The case holds 9 cars on each shelf. There are 7 shelves in the case. How many cars can the case hold?


The third grade class needs to sell 100 boxes of candy. In May, 30 boxes were sold. How many more boxes do the students need to sell?


Circle the letters of the correct statements.

Yakeen is making a picture book. She has 24 pictures and wants to put the same number of pictures on each page. Select all the statements that show how Yakeen can place the items.

a)      6 pages with 4 pictures on each page

b)      2 pages with 4 pictures each and 8 pages with 2 pictures on every page

c)       8 pages with 3 pictures on each page

d)      2 pages with 4 pictures on each page

e)      4 pages with 5 pictures on each page and 1 page with 4 pictures



Thursday, October 23, 2014

Homework 10/23/14

Dear Parents,
Tonight there is no Math homework due to the fact that there is Science and Health homework- If your child hasn't already done their question and prediction on pages 8 and 10, please ensure that they have them ready to submit to me tomorrow. Those two sections were due last week and only a handful of students submitted them. Tomorrow according to the timeline that I sent home, the variables and materials are due. They are on page 12 and 13 of the Student STEM Fair Journal. Please review the information about variables on page 11 with your child. Help them identify the three types of variables in their specific project. I will approve or disapprove each section each week as your child submits it to me. Please note- When you help your child record the materials they must give specific amounts and sizes in METRIC measurements. Click on the link to view a website that converts customary units to metric units.

Health- Tonight's health homework is a review of all the assignments your child has done in Health for Chapter 1. It is a double sided worksheet. Please ensure that they are completing each section correctly. They were given a health book that they could refer back to as necessary to help them identify the correct answers.

I plan on sending out the next bi-weekly communication and the yellow folder home either tomorrow 10/24/14 or 10/27/14. Please keep an eye out for both.

Thank you parents for all that you do.

Ms Edwards

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Homework 10/22/14

Click on the link below to practice your math skills


Name                                                                                                       Date
Math                                                                                                        Ms Edwards
                                    Math Review of Concepts

1) Kum arrived at Michael's house at 2:45. It took him 55 minutes to get there. What time did he leave his house? Use the number line below to help you show your work.


Time has three parts: start time, end time and time interval. Each time word problem has 2 of those 3 parts and your job is to identify the missing part. You can do this by using a number line and or using funny time.

2) Which two parts were given to you above in number one?
a) end time and start time    b) end time and time interval    c) start time and time interval

3) Choose one of the following numbers....12, 16, or 28. Imagine that you had this number of marbles. How many friends could you share them with equally?

I chose number__________________

I could share this number equally with _________ friends. Each person would receive_______ marbles.

4) Show as many different solutions as you can to represent the number you chose using pictures, numbers or words. For example if you chose 12, how many different ways could you share 12 marbles equally?